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Nearly New Year, isn't it about time you had a proper website?

Well the New Year is nearly upon us - just a few hours away.  Do you bother with resolutions?  Maybe not but I bet you make some committments to yourself about your business and what you would like to do and achieve.  A website should be part of that.  Even if thinking of selling your business this year, if you have a professional website with customers starting to register, use it and order through it you are a more attractive proposition.  If you have a significant number of your customers registered and can communicate to them, have details on them or even know what the buy or may be worth then you can demand a premiunm.


if you haven't got a website yet you aren't even in the same leaguw than the average plumber, builder or restaurant and you're a highly trained professional offering a service that can change someones life!  You don't have to start by offering all the possibloe services, maybe just a way of patients knowing how to find you, when you're open and what you offer to start with.  You can build from there but otherwise they may well go somewhere else.


A simple website with a national company like Yell (yellow Pages) with a few static pages will cost upwards of £300 and a local developer or friend of the family may be able to offering something similar but then you have a website that will only ever offer customers a way of finding the absolute basic information out and cannot help drive your business forward.  It's a start but why choose that when you can have a website the equivalent of Boots or Lloyds for £99 a year, with all the help, support and advice available to ensure your business gets all it requires from it?


I haven't got time?
I have a developer I know who is cheap?
I will get round to it?

don't understand technology very well?
Custoimers won't use it?
wrong area?
customers too old?



We have heard this many, many times.

We have coherent, honest answers to all these statements - have a chat.


You are being left behind! 

By: nigel baker On Monday, 31 December 2012 Comment Comments( 0 ) Hits Views(411706)